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Sunburst Over River

Author: BeyondTheFlex

  • What Exactly Is Massage For?

    What Exactly Is Massage For?

    Normally, I don’t write about massage therapy; however, as almost all massage therapists can attest to, there are still so many misconceptions about the industry and most of […]

  • Six Ways to a New Mindset

    Six Ways to a New Mindset

    It’s the new year! Time for a new attitude! Sometimes, for things to go right for you, you just have to change your mindset. It’s been said that […]

  • Choose Your Adventure.

    Choose Your Adventure.

    Recently, I overheard a conversation between two women that went something like this. “I finally went to that art class I told you about.” “That’s great. How was […]

  • Intermittent Fasting (IF) – is it worth starving yourself?

    Intermittent Fasting (IF) – is it worth starving yourself?

    I often get asked about the latest trends and fads in the diet world. Lately, a lot of people are interested in intermittent fasting (IF) – for “detoxing” and […]